Temple of the Hellmaster


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Trip to Texas
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Trip to Texas

Starting on August 28, I made a lil journey (HAH!) to Texas to see my boyfriend, Sam.  ^_^  Rather an eventful trip, what with getting halfway there before the transmission in the van let out, then getting down there an' nearly passing out once we got to his house.  ^_~  Other amusing things occured (The Cursing of the Futon, ne, Sammie?) but that'll go unsaid....  Anyway, here's some photos my mom took of him & I while we were there.  Enjoy!

Forgive my hair...I had just got outta the pool...
Sam & Me

Clingie Huggles
Again, I look terrrible, but Sam's so cute....
Yea, how mature does that sound? *laughs*

"Hot Tub".  More like "Human Stew".... ~_~;;
...erm, this is, sitting in the hot tub...